I got a new job today AND that was awesome, since I worked for a company that the Atlanta Braves hired so am not getting hours while this MLB team is not playing (I could have worked at our football unit in Jacksonville Florida this Saturday but backed out of that this morning after they changed the original itinerary. And it’s hard to go out of town for work when really you are still a college student. I guess it was for an NFL game…I just make the money, what do I know.

I will take constructive criticism from fellow Software Engineering students, but here is my predictor model so far; It covers all males and includes the variable of “the average non-dieting male”, the official variable name. You will see the color difference on the computerized bar graph which is already complete, of the other group which is literally men who do not eat a recognizable amount of Vegetable Oil. For those of you who are just now tuning in to the C# girl blog of mine, this is about Medical Research done by humans with the assistance of computers, as far as Male Sperm Count Dropping.

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